A Virtual Meeting to Talk About the Reopening

   of Meher Center

Tuesday, July 13 at 8pm EDT

Dear Meher Center Friends and Family,
We are happy to announce that Meher Center’s Board of Directors will be holding a virtual meeting to talk about the reopening of the Center. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 13 at 8 pm EDT, and can be accessed here. Approximately 30 minutes in length, we will include a short presentation addressing the opening of the retreat, answer some questions submitted ahead of time, and have a song or two at the end.
Please submit any questions you would like us to address by emailing us at [email protected]. Your questions will be collected and given to the presenters.
We will be talking about the probable date of our reopening, the possible ways we will open cabins and have gatherings, and our safety plans during the reopening process.
We look forward to seeing you on July 13.
Love in Meher Baba,
Buz Connor
For Meher Center’s Board of Directors
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