An Act of God; As told by Meherwan Jessawala

The following is an excerpt from the detailed account of Baba’s car accident in Satara, India in December of 1956, focused on Eruch’s experience as the driver of the vehicle. For the full story of the accident and events leading up to it, please click here.

Baba had traveled after recuperating from the 1952 USA accident, spending about 9 months in Dehra Dun then shifting to Satara as His base for almost 3 years, until the accident in 1956. He did not stay at Meherazad during this time (except for June 1956). He traveled up and down India during those 3 years, doing mast work and contacting people. He also spent periods of strict seclusion during this same time. At one point, when they were in northern India, Baba told Eruch he had to get back to Satara within 24 hours, so Eruch, who had not had any sleep for several days, drove non-stop to Satara and made it within the 24 hours, which pleased Baba. Eruch said it was like driving in a tunnel. At one point he apparently drifted off and came to abruptly, finding Baba’s hand on the steering wheel, steering it back onto the road. The car had veered off and almost flipped, and everyone got a “mighty start.” After they arrived, the next day, Eruch told Baba he had a request, which was never to drive again. He didn’t trust himself after this incident and didn’t want to risk driving with Baba in the car. He described a sensation which came over him to steer off the road (which he obviously resisted). He requested Baba to please not have him drive again. Baba said, “Nonsense,” and assured him that everything would be ok, and Eruch said nothing…

For a quite a few years after the accident, Eruch used to feel depressed about being responsible for Baba’s accident and physical disability. Baba would tell him not to feel so, as it was all preordained. While Eruch was still in the hospital, the police came to interrogate him. As he was the driver in a single car accident, they charged him with negligent driving resulting in the death of a person. A criminal case was filed against him. After returning to Meherazad, he had to make several trips to Wai, where the court had jurisdiction over the entire Satara District. He would travel from Ahmednagar to Poona in the State Transport bus and then on to Wai.

His case dragged on for years. When the case came up for its final hearing, the prosecutor failed to prove any of the charges. The judge therefore pronounced him not guilty and acquitted him. In his written judgment, the judge gave “An act of God” as the reason for the strange accident!

Meherwan related an episode which occurred in Poona in Silver Oaks, where Baba called the women to come into His room; the men naturally left. When the women arrived, Baba had tears flowing from His eyes and this continued for something like 15 minutes, while they silently stood around him. At last, Baba called for a handkerchief, wiped His eyes, and related that these tears they witnessed were not for Himself but for His creation. He was seeing before Him the suffering His creation would have to undergo, despite His having suffered for it, and the tears were flowing for this suffering His creation would experience.

To read the detailed account of Baba’s accident, please click here.