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Videos are posted in the order they were sent out in the Weekly Offerings & Monthly Newsletters, with the most recent collection first.
The New Life: Then and Now Part Five
In part five of this series, Ward Parks talks about Baba’s last plan of the New Life and the curious happening where He stepped out of the New Life into the Old Life for just four hours. Baba moved His group to Satara and Mahabeleshwar, gave important messages, undertook a seclusion and began the Manonash phase.
Video, 1:29:15
Meeting Place at Meher Center, October 20th, 2024
Meher Spiritual Center Archives
Uploaded 2/14/2025
“I shall become yours when you become Mine”
Ishtiake Shwok is a ghazal written by Meher Baba in His early days. In this recording, Katie Irani, one of the female mandali members who dedicated her life to Baba, sings a beautiful rendition, briefly explaining the ghazal’s significance at the end.
Audio, 3:12
Mandali Hall, Meherazad India, November 30, 1999
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks
Uploaded 2/14/2025
The New Life: Then and Now Part Four
In part four of this series, Ward Parks talks about the New Life strike and the group’s displeasure with Baba’s harsh conditions and how Baba handled the situation. He talks about the vacuum period and the plans of the Labor Phase. He goes through unfathomable acts such as Baba’s bowing down to thousands at the Kumbha Mela.
Video, 1:36:27
Meeting Place at Meher Center, October 19th, 2024
Meher Spiritual Center Archives
Uploaded 2/7/2025
“The natural condition of Self is love”
In a continuation from our last offering, tune in as Francis reads out Book IV of his incredible work, Stay with God, entitled, “The Steps to His Feet.”
Audio, 27:50
Location and date unknown
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks
Uploaded 2/7/2025
“Now He was everywhere”
In this recording, Robert Dreyfuss and Irwin Luck share their stories and memories from 1969, when Meher Baba dropped His physical form. Irwin describes what it was like to be in Meherabad as the Avatar’s body lay exposed in the crypt that Baba Himself had designed. Robert tells about the serendipitous circumstances which aligned in order for him to attend the Last Darshan in Pune in 1969.
Video, 35:50
Date and Location Unknown
Courtesy of The AMBCSC Archives
Uploaded 1/31/2025
The New Life: Then and Now Part Three
In part three of this series, Ward Parks focuses on the part of the New Life set in North India, particularly Dehradun and New Delhi. He also explores Baba’s work with sadhus at the Kumbh Mela, internal conflicts, the intensive Labor Phase and the ghee business. Throughout, Ward uses Baba’s words on the New Life to recreate the unmatchable atmosphere.
Video, 1:29:15
Meeting Place at Meher Center, October 19th, 2024
Meher Spiritual Center Archives
Uploaded: 1/24/2025
“Leave it to Him”
Francis Brabazon was an Australian poet and artist who first heard of Meher Baba in the late 1940s, and after several years of trying, was able to meet Him in Myrtle Beach in 1952. He went on to live with Baba in India, and became a member of His mandali. At Meher Baba’s request, Francis wrote what was to become his most significant work, entitled “Stay with God.” Meher Baba said that it was “the most important book after God Speaks.” In this audio, we hear the master poet read out a section of the his book which pleased Baba so much.
Audio, 15:32
Location and date unknown
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks
Uploaded 1/24/2025
The New Life: Then and Now Part Two
In part two of this series, Ward Parks dives into the launching of the New life and the training period. He covers the four phases: the Labor, Begging, Langoti and Gypsy Lives. Along with many other profound reflections, Ward also reflects on writings by Baba and Ghani, including the eternal classical Baba song – the Song of the New life.
Video, 1:31:01
Meeting Place at Meher Center, October 18th, 2024
Meher Spiritual Center Archives
Uploaded 1/17/2025
“But for us it was timeless”
In this brief recording, Darwin Shaw—a long time lover of Meher Baba—describes with heartfelt adoration what it was like to be in the presence of the Avatar.
Audio, 3:07
Location unknown, September 21st, 1974
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks
Uploaded 1/17/2025
The New Life: Then and Now Part One
In October of 2024, Ward Parks gave a six-part presentation at Meher Center on the phase of Baba’s life He referred to as “The New Life.” We will be sharing each session in the Center’s offerings over the coming weeks. In this first session, Ward presents a general overview of this time-period in Baba’s work, laying the ground work to dive deeper in the following sessions.
Video, 7:32
Meeting Place, Meher Center, October 18th, 2024
Meher Spiritual Center Archives
Uploaded 1/10/2025