Virtual Programs

Meher Center is happy to host virtual programs to stay connected with the wider Baba world. Listed below are the upcoming virtual programs. To download and import the below programs to your personal calendar system, please click here.

A Virtual Conversation about Meher Baba

Every first Sunday of the month at 5 p.m.

This is an opportunity for new and old lovers of Baba to gather virtually to discuss Meher Baba’s life and work.

A prompt will be provided by the host in the form of a quote, story or an aspect of Meher Baba’s life, work or living presence. The program is a personal and informal way to connect with Meher Center and other Baba lovers to ask questions and share together in life with Meher Baba.

Duration: One Hour

Click here to join meeting. (Meeting ID: 853 5490 0217)


Discourses and other Messages by Meher Baba

Every second Sunday of the month at 5 p.m.

Discourse selection for February is “The Nature of the Ego and its Termination Part II.” This discourse can be found here.

Meher Spiritual Center is happy to announce readings from Discourses and other Messages by Meher Baba

In this monthly readings of Baba’s messages selected from a variety of Baba’s books including the Discourses and other sources, selections will be announced ahead of time so that those who wish to read the discourse prior to the meeting can do so. The selections will also be displayed on the screen for all to see during the meeting.

Discourses and other Messages by Meher Babais expands upon the directive in the Center’s Charter which calls for: “…group meetings for reading of the Discourses of Meher Baba and other universal truths.” To fulfill that directive, Discourse meetings have been regularly held at the Center for decades, attended to by both guests and members of the nearby community.  We are excited to extend this opportunity to the Worldwide Baba community.

Duration: One Hour

Click here to join meeting (Meeting ID: 853 5490 0217).