“Take Me with you”: An Excerpt from Three Incredible Weeks with Meher Baba

In September of 1954, sixty-nine years ago this month, twenty of Meher Baba’s Western male lovers arrived in Meherabad. They had been personally invited by the Master to spend three weeks in His presence. This excerpt took place on September 16th, when Baba took the men on a tour of Meherazad and showed then a special treasure—before impressing on them the importance of receiving the most important treasure of all.

“Then came the most moving event of the day. One of the girls appeared with a large shawl, which she carefully opened. Out of this, she drew an old patched coat, originally brown but practically covered with patches of blue and black. Baba told us that this was the most sacred of His possessions. He had worn it steadily for eight years from 1921 on. This included His period of seclusion in the ‘jhopdi’ in 1922.

“‘What it has in it will be revealed after I drop the body. Then thousands and thousands of men and women will come to worship.’

“Next an ancient pair of sandals were produced and, following this, a white robe.

“‘These are the sandals and the robe that I wore when I wore that coat,’ Baba said. ‘The sandals were discarded when I first went up the hill at Meherabad.’

“Eruch then told us that after Baba had stopped wearing this coat, He used to change His clothes frequently and then would give them away, but these things Baba would not part with. We were also told that these things were produced today for the first time in many years. Even the Mandali had not seen them for a long time.

“Baba then asked us how we felt, and said that He would see us between 9 and 9:30 a.m. tomorrow at Meherabad.

“‘So what would be best,’ He said just before we left, ‘would be for you from now on to play with Baba’s Love. You have only fifteen days more now to absorb Baba. After you leave, you will be free. You can play, work, be with your family and children as much as you want; but here, now, try to absorb as much of Baba as you can. What I would like, in short, is for you to take Me with you when you go back.’”*

*Three Incredible Weeks with Meher Baba, by Malcolm Schloss and Charles Purdom, pp. 34-35