Meher Center Young Adult Sahavas 2021

“I am always with you and I am not away from you. I was, am and will remain eternally with you, and it is for promoting this realization that I have severed external contact. This will enable all persons to realize Truth by being bound to each other with internal links.”

-Meher Baba

We are so excited you’re joining us for this time together with Meher Baba and one another! Check below for a schedule of all the programs, and Zoom links to each one. Please remember that all times are EDT and are also subject to change so keep checking back.

Also, please submit a video for Celebration!! (Anything you think would entertain Baba and each other). You can email it to [email protected] or text it to 503-778-0489.

See you soon on Zoom!

Friday November 5

8 PM: Opening Meeting  

Let’s gather with our Baba family to kick off this event and connect with one another. This program will include an inspiring talk by Jenny Keating from Australia, who met Meher Baba as a child in Australia in 1956 and then again at the East-West Gathering in 1962. Click to enter

Saturday November 6

8 AM-8 PM: Meher Café Open

This is a space to hang out informally with other Baba folks—you can share music or poetry or just chat. Please note that the café isn’t monitored, so there could be times you’re in there by yourself— check back later or hop over to a structured activity. Click to enter. The password for Meher Cafe is Baba.

10 AM: Morning Arti

Come together for an hour-long program that starts with prayers that Baba wrote and traditional devotional songs, followed by a chance to express your devotion to God in your own way— through music, poetry, stories, and more. Click to enter

11 AM: International Young Adult Panel

Check out a panel of young folks talking about what it’s like to follow Meher Baba in America and India. How are our experiences similar? How are they different? What about our constant ‘inner links’ as part of Baba’s family? Click to enter

1 PM: Discussion Groups

Pick a conversation that you’d like to have with your Baba community!

Discussion Goup A: “Baba in Your Daily Life”—Share stories and practices of keeping hold of Baba day to day. Click to enter

Discussion Group B: “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”—Staying grounded, remembering and serving Baba in times of uncertainty and isolation. Click to enter

Discussion Group C: “Our Generation’s role in the future of Baba Centers around the world”—How to take responsibility and connect with the older generations. Click to enter

3 PM: Workshops

Pick what you’d like to learn or do with your Baba community!

Workshop A: “Sacred Self-care”Self-Care is important. When you take time to replenish your spirit it allows you to serve others from the overflow of energy made available by this deliberate act of care. This workshop will explore the unique ways you can care for yourself. We will have time to do self-reflection and time to share our insights with each other. Come prepared with paper, color markers or crayons. Let’s make this a playful creative journey to gain new wisdom for ourselves! Click to enter

Workshop B: “Finding the Divine through Imagination and Creativity”Art & Writing prompts are designed to assist your soul voice to connect with your heart. In this way, we nourish and connect to the One who is Creation itself. In the imagination all things are possible… So why not God? We will use simple writing and drawing prompts to facilitate the truth that you understand. You don’t have to consider yourself a  writer or artist to find this inner connection. It is readily available to all who seek it. It’s helpful if you have a pen that you like using and some blank unlined paper. Some folks like a sharpie for parts of the exercise. Click to enter

5 PM: Evening Arti

Come together for an hour-long program that starts with prayers that Baba wrote and traditional devotional songs, followed by a chance to express your devotion to God in your own way— through music, poetry, stories, and more. Click to enter

8 PM: Celebration!

Watch and listen to the creations of your fellow Sahavas participants. Lots of cheering allowed. Click to enter

Sunday November 7

Please note: Daylight Savings time ends. Time Change will be applicable to all the programs on Sunday.

8 AM-6 PM: Meher Café Open

This is a space to hang out informally with other Baba folks—you can share music or poetry or just chat. Please note that the café isn’t monitored, so there could be times you’re in there by yourself— check back later or hop over to a structured activity for more folks. Click to enter. The password for Meher Cafe is Baba.

10 AM: Morning Arti

Come together for an hour-long program that starts with prayers that Baba wrote and traditional devotional songs, followed by a chance to express your devotion to God in your own way— through music, poetry, stories, and more. Click to enter

11 AM: Closing

This last formal event of Sahavas will start with a talk by Preeti Hay. Preeti is a third-generation Baba lover whose grandparents came to Meher Baba in the 1950’s. She grew up in Bombay (visiting Meherabad almost every month!) and now is part of the small but growing group of young Meher Center staff. She will talk about her life, drawing from her family’s stories and her own reflections from childhood and explore the areas of inner connection that we as young people have with Baba.

After the talk, we’ll get a chance to connect with one another and close out the program. Feel free to head back to Meher Café afterwards if you’re not ready to say goodbye! Click to enter


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