Entertaining Baba
This silent video highlights some of the joyful entertainment put on for Baba at the Center during the 1958 Sahavas. First, Lenny Willoughby leads the crowd in a rousing version of “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands,” with a backup band including Henry Kashouty on the trombone. Then, after a video of Baba being carried in His lift-chair by some of Margaret Craske’s dancers, we see a skit put on by a group of men dubbed, The Alligator Club. In the skit, Dana Field portrays a baby being wheeled around in a wheelbarrow “carriage” by his “mother.” Finally, there is a video of more Alligator Club members before a playful shot of Kitty Davy. Baba said that watching the Alligator Club’s work made Him laugh so hard He almost broke His silence.
Video, 2:27
Meher Spiritual Center, May 1958
Used with permission from Sufism Reoriented
Uploaded on 8/26/2022