“He held me so tight, I lost consciousness”
A. S. Jaganath shares the story of his reluctance to meet Meher Baba and how his life changed when he first met Him. Being Hindu, he had previously met many holy men but had kept his physical distance from them. However, when he saw Baba, Baba held him so tight that he could not breathe and went into a trance. Tears soaked his shirt when he rose. Instantly he knew that Baba was God. Then, he talks about a visit to Guruprasad on a stretcher to see Baba who placed his leg upon Jaganath’s chest. In the latter part of this talk, we hear anecdotes about Baba’s humor, His sahavas and the love borne from the repetition of His name.
Video, 1:29:42
Meher Center Meeting Place, May 22, 2008
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives