“He is the answer to all questions”

Left to right: Adele Wolkin, Filis Fredrick, Mani Irani (Meher Baba’s sister), Rita Lukes, Charmaine Duce, Meher Baba, Mehera J. Irani, Delia DeLeon, Meheru Irani.

Filis Fredrick lived in New York and first met Meher Baba at the Meher Center in 1952. She was a great devotee, archivist and editor of the Awakener Magazine dedicated to Meher Baba. In this audio recording, she talks about the early years of the Center, sharing details such as wearing large boots to be able to walk through the wilderness of what would become the Center, and helping dedicate the property to Baba by calling His name and inscribing it with shells. She was present during Baba’s first arrival and received His invitation to be His guest at the Center. Elizabeth Patterson also chimes in with spontaneous details to convey how much Meher Baba loved His Center.

Audio, 31:47
Meher Center Library, May 2, 1971
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives