“He surrendered to Baba”
In this video, Digambar Gadekar tells the story of his father, Ramchandra Gadekar. Ramchandra Gadekar, known by Baba simply as “Gadekar,” first went to see Baba to ask Him to help relieve a stomach-ache—but ended up asking for God-realization instead. The rest of Gadekar’s life was totally devoted to Baba, from the moments when Baba stopped by his house to eat a meal or spend time with his family; to the darshan programs Gadekar arranged and the Arti he performed; to the end of Gadekar’s life, when Baba took loving care of His “Crown Jewel“ until he died with Baba’s name on his lips.
Video, 1:29:48
Meher Center Meeting Place, December 11, 2004
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives