“To teach us for our own good”

Faredoon Driver, nicknamed “Padri” by Baba, joined the Master in 1922 when he was eighteen years old and remained with Him for the rest of his life. Baba had Padri oversee much of the construction and maintenance at Meherabad, calling him one of “the Four Pillars of Meherabad.” In the 1960s and 70s, many pilgrims to Meherabad found the stalwart, exacting, humorous, loving Padri to be an inspiring example of a life lived solely for Baba. But in this snippet of conversation, Padri focuses back on the early 1920s, when he and the Mandali were “absolutely raw” and Baba was a “stern taskmaster” teaching them obedience—including these two lessons that Padri never forgot.

Audio, 8:44
Meherabad, India, Date Unknown
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks
For full talk, click here and go to NC-002E