“Never try to interpret Baba’s Orders”

Shridar Kelkar narrates the story of the divine connection of the Talati family with Meher Baba. Shridhar was married to Perviz, the daughter of Dina and Naval Talati, who were very close disciples of Beloved Baba. He shares the family’s generations of spiritual longing and connection with the Perfect Masters that led them to Baba. When Shridhar proposed marriage to Perviz, Dina asked him to seek Meher Baba’s permission. After Baba approved, Shridhar came into His fold through the dedication, unerring obedience and complete faith in Baba demonstrated to him by the Talati family and their lives with Baba.

Video, 48:12
Meher Center Meeting Place, May 29, 2019
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives