Trail of Tears The Musical Hollywood to Prague with Meher Baba

We are happy to showcase the Musical called “Trail of Tears,” which was performed at the Center to commemorate Meher Baba’s automobile accident in Prague, Oklahoma, on May 24th, 1952. In this heartfelt production, we follow the life of a fictional character called Clara, a native of Prague, whose life was changed after a chance encounter with Meher Baba in Hollywood in 1932. Going back and forth between 1932 and 1952, we see Baba’s silent hand in Clara’s life. until all is revealed to Clara when Baba has His accident in her hometown.

Video, 1:59:19
The Meeting Place at Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, May 23rd and 24th, 2024
Meher Spiritual Center Archives
Uploaded 7/5/2024