Grounds And Buildings

Meher Spiritual Center was founded by Meher Baba in 1944 as a place for rest, meditation and renewal of the spiritual life. One of Meher Baba’s original requirements for the property which would become Meher Spiritual Center was that it be virgin land. The nearly five hundred acres of undeveloped woodlands, wetlands, marshes and lakes along the Atlantic coast that encompass the beautiful, natural setting of the Center have been carefully safeguarded to support the unique retreat atmosphere which visitors find here.

Meher Baba also directed that the Center should be preserved in perpetuity. The Center’s original roads, grounds, structures, and historic buildings have been maintained since Meher Baba’s visits in the 1950’s so that visitors today and in the future can experience the Meher Center very much as it was when He was here. So too, practical additions and improvements made over the years have adhered to the simple, gracious plan of the original retreat.

The boathouse offers a place for conversation and contemplation, with an inspiring view of Long Lake.

The carefully placed cabins which accommodate overnight guests help maintain the atmosphere of quietude and privacy which enhances the retreat experience of contemplation, rest, and renewal. Many of the simple, rustic cabins are the original buildings from Meher Baba’s time.

Activities at the Meher Center are uncomplicated and allow for a true retreat from the stress and concerns of worldly life. The Center’s Library, Reading Room, and Meeting Place regularly offer a variety of meaningful programs and materials about Meher Baba’s life and teachings and the history and significance of Meher Center, including inspirational books and other written materials, photos, films, audio and video tapes, talks, readings, and music programs.

Several buildings which Meher Baba frequented during His three visits to Meher Center in 1952, 1956, and 1958 are of special significance. At His request these buildings and their contents have been kept, as nearly as possible, as they were when He visited the Center. Open to visitors, these buildings are considered sacred spaces and are reserved for quietude, meditation and prayer. (Additional information, guidelines and historic photos are available to visitors.)

The approach and porch entrance to Meher Abode.

Meher Abode

Meher Abode (also known simply as “Baba’s House”) is the private residence built for Meher Baba where He stayed during His three visits to the Center. Guests are welcome to visit the house, and to remember Him in the intimate atmosphere of His home. Meher Abode is open four times a week (tours are given during the first half hour of each day):
Sunday 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, Tuesday 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, Friday 4:00 – 6:00 pm, and Saturday 9:00 – 11:00 am.

The Lagoon Cabin

One of the original Center buildings from the 1940s, this small cabin—Meher Baba’s “interview cabin”—is where He met privately with individuals, families and small groups during His visits to the Center in the 1950s. The Lagoon Cabin remains open, day and evening, for prayer, meditation, and quietude.

The Barn is reserved for quietude and contemplation, and gatherings on special occasions.

The Barn

This building, reconstructed from a local barn, was used during Meher Baba’s three visits for large daily meetings and gatherings which included talks and discourses given by Baba; and jokes, skits, dance, and musical entertainment, performed for Him. The Barn is open daily from 9 :00 am – 4:00 pm for prayer, meditation and quietude.