Purpose And Culture

Meher Spiritual Center is a sacred site established by and dedicated to Meher Baba. It is a spiritual retreat for rest, meditation, and renewal of the spiritual life, where those who visit can experience Meher Baba’s enduring love and presence and learn more about His life and teachings. Meher Baba sanctified Meher Center with His physical presence when He stayed here in 1952, 1956, and 1958. He called the Center His “Home in the West,” and He said “I never leave. Remember, I do not leave, because this is my home.” The paths Baba walked on, the buildings He spent time in, the accounts of what He said and did at the Center, all serve as remembrances and tangible links to His never-ending presence here.

Meher Spiritual Center offers a refuge from everyday life where visitors can experience spiritual renewal in a most personal way—it provides a unique atmosphere of intimacy, quietude, peacefulness and simplicity which enhances that experience. This retreat atmosphere is available to all who come, whether for an hour or two weeks.

Meher Baba said the Center would become “a place of pilgrimage for all time” and as He requested, it is preserved in perpetuity as a sacred site and spiritual retreat. Since its founding in 1944, every effort has been made to protect and maintain the Center’s physical property, natural beauty and unique atmosphere, and to ensure its continuing availability for all who love and follow Meher Baba, and all who know of Him and want to know more.