The Vision 

Meher Spiritual Center, Meher Baba’s Home in the West, where all who come can experience His love.

The Values

These values keep us focused on the vision of Avatar Meher Baba’s Home in the West.  For the vision to be realized, efforts of the Board, staff and volunteers are guided by the following values:

  •  Focus on Meher Baba – Avatar Meher Baba, His teachings and His life of love and service underlie all we do to uphold His wish that the Meher Spiritual Center remain a place for rest and for renewal of the spiritual life.
  • Welcoming – Our responsibility toward all who come to Avatar Meher Baba’s Home in the West is to be genuine, loving and receptive in all our interactions.
  • Shared Stewardship – As stewards of Avatar Meher Baba’s Home in the West, we carefully and responsibly engage in a cooperative effort to ensure that the Center flourishes for all time.
  • Harmony – We embrace our individual and shared responsibilities, putting ourselves aside in service to Avatar Meher Baba and His Home in the West.
  • Attentiveness – We remain alert and responsive to any condition, action or inaction that may enhance or detract from the unique atmosphere of the Center.
  • Integrity  – We align our behaviors with our vision, values and mission.  Our conscious intent is to be honest, sincere and loving in all our actions and interactions.

The Mission

The Meher Spiritual Center, Avatar Meher Baba’s Home in the West, is a place of pilgrimage for all who love and follow Him and for those who know of Him and want to know more.  In a spirit of love and service and in alignment with the Center’s vision and values, the Board, staff and volunteers are committed to:

  • Maintaining the intimate and unique atmosphere of Meher Baba’s Home: a place of retreat, rest, contemplation and renewal of the spiritual life;
  • Providing a safe and welcoming experience for all:
  • Offering information about the Avatar’s teachings and His life of love and service without supplanting anyone’s religious convictions or beliefs:
  • Creating the shared stewardship opportunities that best serve the purposes of the Center:
  • Ensuring the preservation and maintenance of the Center: all of its grounds, buildings, archival treasures and its natural environment: and
  • Developing the physical, human and fiscal resources in ways that best serve the purposes of the Center.