Meher Baba’s Living Presence

Baba said that His presence would remain in the world just as it was when He was physically present for 100 years after He dropped His body. Many continue to feel His presence in their daily lives, and particularly feel His presence at centers devoted to Him throughout the world.
Places of Pilgrimage Established by Meher Baba
In the U.S.
Meher Spiritual Center, Myrtle Beach, SC
Meher Baba visited the Meher Center three times during the 1950s, and called the Meher Center His Home in the West. Regarding the Center He said, “I never leave. Remember, I do not leave because this is my home.” The Center is a place for “rest, meditation, and renewal of the spiritual life.” There are no specific practices or required activities at the Center, and people come from all different spiritual and religious traditions. On an inner level, many guests describe sinking into the unique atmosphere of love and peace at the Center, and often feeling Meher Baba’s continued presence.
In India

Meherabad, Ahmednagar
Meherabad is the site of Meher Baba’s Tomb. Baba first established Meherabad in 1923, and it has remained a center of activity devoted to Him ever since. Over the many years there have been ashrams, schools, hospitals, and sahavas programs at Meherabad. In February 1958, Avatar Meher Baba indicated to His disciples and lovers that Meherabad would become the greatest place of pilgrimage in the world. For those visiting, there are accommodations that meet both Eastern and Western needs.

Meherazad, Ahmednagar
Meherazad was Meher Baba’s primary residence from 1948 until He dropped His body (passed away) in 1969. His resident mandali continued to live there after His passing, and would greet pilgrims from around the world, sharing with them stories of their life with Baba.
In Australia
Avatar’s Abode
Avatar’s Abode is a 99 acre property dedicated to Meher Baba, on the summit of Kiel Mountain near Woombye on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast. As Francis Brabazon, Meher Baba’s disciple poet, and founder of this center said, “Avatar’s Abode is a stopping place on the road to the Beloved, for He stopped here on the road to our hearts and took over the lives of those who came and gave themselves to Him.”
Meher House, Sydney Australia
When Meher Baba visited Australia for the first time in 1956, he stayed at this Beacon Hill property built for Him by Francis Brabazon and Bill LePage. Baba directed that Bill and his family should live in the house, and for many years it remained both their home and place for Baba Loves to meet. In 2015 it became solely a place of pilgrimage.
Other Centers in the U.S.
Meher Mount, Ojai, CA
Sitting at the summit of Sulphur Mountain in Ojai, CA, Meher Mount is a place of universal spiritual pilgrimage dedicated to Avatar Meher Baba. Baba visited Meher Mount during His U.S. tour in 1956. While at Meher Mount He said to those with Him, “Now, go out and see the view and try to love Baba through nature. This is all due to my love. This whole creation, this nature, all the beauty you see, all came out of me.”
Meherana, Mariposa, CA
Meherana is a center for spiritual renewal dedicated to Meher Baba and His life and message of universal Love. It is intended for the enhancement and strengthening of spiritual life. Meherana is located on 289 acres in Mariposa County, California, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, about an hour’s drive from Yosemite National Park. The property features rolling hills, ephemeral creeks, and woodlands of oak and pine.
Heartland Center, Prague, OK
Avatar Meher Baba Heartland Center is a universal spiritual retreat founded in 2002 to honor the personal sacrifice Meher Baba endured in His 1952 automobile accident near Prague, Oklahoma, when He shed His blood on American soil. The Heartland Center is dedicated to memorializing and preserving access to the site of Meher Baba’s accident and the hospital where He and His beloved Mehera and other Mandali members recuperated. The Center maintains retreat facilities for those coming to Prague to visit these sacred sites.
Beloved Archives, Hamilton, New Jersey
Beloved Archives is a universal spiritual archive functioning in the United States under Meher Baba’s mandate of helping God-seekers everywhere to live the life of divine love, selfless service and spiritual unity. Those who aspire to realize God through love, come to the archive to learn about Meher Baba’s life, work and teachings. Meetings focused on Meher Baba occur regularly.
Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California
Affectionately named Meherabode – home of the compassionate one – the center is devoted to those who love Meher Baba, as well as those interested in knowing more about Him. It’s an oasis of calm in the city where all can gather in His name.

Other Centers
There are also meetings in many other cities. Please contact the Meher Center Gateway to find a local contact in your area.