“His Fragrance is at His tomb”

In this short audio, Eruch Jessawala is asked about the importance of Baba’s tomb. In his ever eloquent style, Eruch weaves beautiful words on a string of love to display the power of the places where Baba spent most of His time. He shares the meaning of His fragrance, and why we need to come back to renew our association with His presence and physical form. He also mentions Meher Center as such a place.

Audio; 13:42
Meherazad, India, August, 1980
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

Uploaded: 8/23/24

The Story of Khidr

Sam Kerawala was a Master storyteller, loved and remembered by many for telling wise stories in Meherazad and Meherabad. Sam was Eruch’s cousin and here Eruch asks him to tell a short story. In this very short story, he packs the punch about God’s gifts and our gratitude to the Master.

Audio; 03:27
Meherazad, July 16th, 1992
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

Uploaded 8/2/2024

“Baba sowed the seed of Love in my immature heart”

Dr. Bharucha who became a close disciple of Meher Baba, was first the devotee of Upsani Maharaj and Godavari Mai. Here, he narrates his encounters with saints, and one in particular who foretold his association with a great Master. While Dr. Bharucha had heard of Baba in 1948, he did not get a chance to meet Baba until April 18th, 1952, the day that Baba was leaving to come to America. An ordinary meeting with the God-Man sowed the seed of love in him which was nurtured by Baba throughout his life.

Audio; 08:30
Washington, DC, USA, July 16th, 1981
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

Uploaded 7/18/2024

“I had experienced weightlessness”

In part two of this audio, Anne Forbes talks about the effect of Baba’s presence. For three days after meeting Baba in 1956, she felt immense joy, love, weightlessness and generosity. She was later called to move to Florida where she was very active in the Baba group.

Audio; 12:47
Myrtle Beach, May 24th, 1981
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks

Uploaded 7/11/2024

“He was the Essence of Purity”

Anne Forbes was slated to meet Meher Baba in 1952. When Baba had His accident that year, she wondered how a real Master could ever have an accident. She passed on the opportunity due to doubt. When her friend Loretta described her meeting with Baba and compared His suffering to that of Christ, Anne awaited her next chance to see Baba. She met Him in 1956 at the Delmonico Hotel. She wanted to express her deep regret to Baba for missing Him before, but when she saw Him, she melted into His ever-loving and all-knowing arms.

Audio; 12:46
Meher Spiritual Center, May 24th, 1981
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks
Uploaded 7/5/2024

A Blind Woman sees Baba

In this story narrated by Eruch Jessawala, we hear about an old, poor woman from Aragaon village who was blind from birth. All she ever longed for was to see Baba until she heard one day that He had dropped His body. She begged people to bring her to the tomb but no one ever did, until Baba appeared outside her hut as she called out to Him!

Audio; 11:17
Meherazad, India, September 22nd, 1972
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks
Uploaded 6/20/2024

Discipline and Love

In this powerful audio, Adi K. Irani speaks about discipleship and love with Meher Baba. Through a small incident, Adi was taught by Baba to follow orders and obey Him despite the fact that Baba was so free and natural with His disciples. He then talks about a period when Baba trained them meticulously to be disciplined and truthful in following Him wholeheartedly.

Audio; 11:05
USA, May, 1980
Courtesy of Mandalihall.org
For full transcript, click here
Uploaded 6/14/2024

“He was the answer for everything I didn’t know I’d been searching for”

Rano Gayley first met Baba in 1933, and spent the rest of her life in His service as a member of His mandali. In this special recording from Meher Center in 1970, Rano speaks to a group for the first time about her life with Baba. She begins her talk by sharing about her initial meeting with Meher Baba, a moment that changed the course of her life forever. To listen to the full talk, click the link below.

Audio, 13:23
Meher Spiritual Center, Myrtle Beach, July 11th 1970
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks
Full talk: Click here, and find NC-072
Uploaded 5/10/2024

“Search your heart for an answer”

In this short but powerful recording, at Eruch’s request, Devana Brown reads Baba’s message to a priest who comes to Baba asking for a vision of Christ. This lovely message penetrates all our hearts to create more yearning and love for God.

Audio, 4:24
Mandali Hall, Meherazad, August 6th, 1989
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks
Uploaded 4/19/2024

“We know without a doubt that He is with us”

In this recording, Baba’s sister Mani speaks to the question of whether or not the mandali miss Baba’s physical form. She says that, “although we would happily go through the New Life a thousand times over just to be in His company,” they also know and feel thast Baba is still with them.

Audio, 2:28

Mandali Hall, Meherazad, October 18th, 1986
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks
For the full recording, click NC-060