“Now He was everywhere”
In this recording, Robert Dreyfuss and Irwin Luck share their stories and memories from 1969, when Meher Baba dropped His physical form. Irwin describes what it was like to be in Meherabad as the Avatar’s body lay exposed in the crypt that Baba Himself had designed. Robert tells about the serendipitous circumstances which aligned in order for him to attend the Last Darshan in Pune in 1969.
Video, 35:50
Date and Location Unknown
Courtesy of The AMBCSC Archives
Uploaded 1/31/2025
“But for us it was timeless”
In this brief recording, Darwin Shaw—a long time lover of Meher Baba—describes with heartfelt adoration what it was like to be in the presence of the Avatar.
Audio, 3:07
Location unknown, September 21st, 1974
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks
Uploaded 1/17/2025
“Having once met her, I had nowhere else to go”
In this excerpt, Kacy Cook, a long time resident of Meherazad, shares the impact of Mehera on her life along with small household details that depict Mehera’s utmost attention to her Beloved’s every need.
Audio; 16:27
Meher Baba Center, Los Angeles, 2000
Courtesy of The AMBCSC Archives
Uploaded 12/20/2024
“The greatest lesson was to stick to Him”
In this Thanksgiving talk on Center two weeks ago, Irwin Luck spoke about his meeting with Baba in 1961. His story telling is light, grounded and humorous. Irwin shares how Baba arranged for his life to change so he could meet Baba, what it was really like to be in His presence and how his life became Baba’s in the years on. Irwin also takes questions from the audience and interweaves his reflections on being a lover of Baba for so many years.
Video, 1:02:48
Meeting Place at Meher Center, November 28th, 2024
Meher Spiritual Center Archives
Uploaded 12/13/2024
“It’s the most beautiful film of Baba”
In this very short audio, Don Stevens shares a story about filming Baba with his old fashioned camera in 1962. Baba had not played the drums since the 1930s and He allowed Don to film Him playing the drums, Don was elated! There was only one catch, Baba decided the place He would be filmed and Don knew right away that things would go as he planned.
Audio; 6:53
Meherazad, India, July 21, 1985
Courtesy of Mandali Hall Talks
For the transcript, click here
Uploaded 12/6/2024
“We find that we never left His arms”
On October 6th, the Center hosted a Virtual Sahavas filled with stories, music, community sharing, and an outpouring of love for the Beloved. In this recording from the Sahavas, Charles Haynes shares with us memories of his experience meeting Meher Baba on Center in 1958.
Video, 31:13
On Zoom, October 6th, 2024
Meher Spiritual Center Archives
Uploaded 11/15/2024
Meher Baba Of Ahmednagar: His Life in Historical Perspective, Part 8
In part eight of this series about Meher Baba’s life in historical perspective, Jamie Newell explores the phase of Baba’s life from 1952 to 1958. After sharing an overview of the historical context of the world in these years, Jamie focuses on Baba’s three final visits to the West, including His inauguration of the Meher Center in Myrtle Beach as well as Avatar’s Abode in Australia. He delves into Baba’s public announcement that He is Avatar of the Age. And lastly, he examines Meher Baba’s two automobile accidents, one in America and one in India, and the lasting impact they had on Baba’s life and work.
Video, 1:15:09
On Zoom, October 28th, 2024
Meher Spiritual Center Archives
Uploaded 11/8/2024
“Baba’s love of fun and humor is infinitely appealing”
In this humorous talk, Steve Klein weaves together stories of Baba, the mandali, and his own thoughtfully entertaining insights, all of which circle around the theme of how best to love Him.
Video, 57:26
Meeting Place at Meher Center, October 18th, 2024
Meher Spiritual Center Archives
Uploaded 11/1/2024
“I’m glad God has an address”
Meher Baba said, “Drugs are harmful spiritually, mentally and physically.” With this message, Baba sent Robert Dreyfuss back from India to the United States in 1965 where he, Allen Cohen and Rick Chapman were charged to spread this message across America. In this humorous talk filled with banter, wit and shared memories, Robert and Allen recount their experiences in the 1960s as they attempted to fulfill Baba’s order and spread His message on drugs in the West.
Video, 1:22:34
Meeting Place at Meher Center, October 10th, 2003
Meher Spiritual Center Archives
Uploaded 10/18/2024
“We are already whole within”
Darwin Shaw first met Meher Baba in 1934, and remained a devoted disciple for the rest of his life. From 1989-2005, those visiting Meher Center may have been lucky enough to attend one of his Discourse meetings. In this recording, Darwin reads two sections: “The Destiny of the Reincarnating Individual,” and “The Avatar.” He follows up by answering questions, as well as with a few stories from his own experiences with his Beloved.
Video, 1:12:39
Meher Center, January 4, 2002
Meher Spiritual Center Archives
Uploaded 10/11/2024