Walking with the Master, Volume 2
This seven part series is filmed by Baba’s brother, Jal Irani, in Poona in 1961. After extensive color correction, we are able to accompany the Master walking through His birth city. In Volume 2, Jal captures Meher Baba on a morning stroll with some of His men mandali by the race course in Poona, on June 22, 1961.
Video, 2:10
Poona, India, June 22, 1961
Courtesy of AMBCSC Archives and Meher Baba Library
Uploaded 7/27/23
Walking with the Master, Volume 1
This seven part series is filmed by Baba’s brother, Jal Irani, in Poona in 1961. After extensive color correction, we are able to accompany the Master walking through His birth city. Here, in Volume 1, filmed on July 5, 1961, we see hundreds of children in Baba’s loving company as they spend time with Him in Guruprasad on Children’s Day.
Video, 2:47
Guruprasad, Poona, India, July 5, 1961
Courtesy of AMBCSC Archives and Meher Baba Library
Uploaded 6/30/2023
Meher Baba’s First Visit to Meher Center
This video is a commemoration of Meher Baba’s first visit to Meher Spiritual Center on April 21, 1952.
The video contains excerpts of Larry Karrasch’s story. Larry’s full story can also be found by searching this page.
Video, 6:18
Courtesy of Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives
Uploaded 4/28/2023
“Happy Birthday, Darling Baba”
In this delightful video, footage of dear Baba’s birthday celebration in 1966 is accompanied by the ‘Happy Birthday’ song which was played for Him each year at Meherazad.
Video, 2:37
Meherazad, India 1966
Courtesy of Meherabad Moments
Uploaded 2/24/2023
Meher Baba Visits His Arangaon Lovers
This inspiring and joyous video by Bob Fredericks weaves together immortal footage of a visit Baba paid to His lovers in Arangaon in 1960 with a description of the visit by Baba’s sister Mani. We are transported to the little village near Meherabad as it receives God with immense celebration and love.
Video, 15:05
Arangaon, India, January 2, 1960
Courtesy of Bob Fredericks
Uploaded 2/24/2023