Meher Baba In America 1932

This is an exquisite collection of two of the earliest films of Meher Baba’s public appearances in America. The first unedited film was rediscovered in 1993 in the archives of the University of South Carolina. Baba is seen here answering questions about His mission in America. The second film was rediscovered in 1994 in a film archive in New York. This Paramount Newsreel of Baba is filmed at Harmon on Hudson, with a commentary written by Mani.

Video, 14:38
Courtesy of Sheriar Foundation.

The Ancient One
This beautiful video focuses on Meher Baba’s 1965 darshan in Poona, when thousands of His Eastern lovers traveled, many for days, to spend a moment at His feet.
Video 29:16
Courtesy of Sheriar Foundation.
The Children’s Birthday Party

This rare home video of Meher Baba was taken at the Meher Center in 1958 when Baba held a “Birthday Party” for all the children (adults could only come when accompanied by a child). Baba is seen here cutting the cake and personally distributing different types of prasad. Baba plays the perfect host at the Center as He smiles, laughs and embraces His lovers while enjoying their company and providing them with an opportunity for His intimate darshan.

Video, 5:28
Meher Center, 1958
Filmed by Liz Sacalis, courtesy of Virginia Sadowsky

The Nitrate Movies of Elizabeth Patterson

In 1933, Elizabeth Patterson filmed Meher Baba in India and Italy using a hand cranked 35mm movie camera. These short clips, painstakingly restored by the Meher Baba Film Archive International, are the only film record of that time.

Video, 5:12
From the film, I am the One Reality

“I am the Universal Thief—I steal the hearts of all”

This raw and unedited audio recording is of time Meher Baba spent with His lovers at the Center in 1958, in the Barn and at the Guest House compound. At times Baba’s Mandali can be heard interpreting His gestures, and at others, there’s only the indefinable chatter of His lovers. Even amidst the noise, perhaps some will find in this recording the treasure of His presence.