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Videos are posted in the order they were sent out in the Weekly Offerings & Monthly Newsletters, with the most recent collection first.

Wendy Connor

Wendy Connor first met Meher Baba when He visited the Center in 1958. She has spoken about her experiences of His love at Youth Sahavas gatherings throughout the years, as well as at the Young Adult Sahavas. This year, she shares a powerful statement that Mani made about following Baba, and an order that Baba gave her at the East-West gathering in 1962.

Video, 8:48
Zoom Recording, November 15, 2020
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives

Meher Baba at Brookgreen Gardens and the Delmonico Hotel

The first part of this offering is an informal recording by Mike Loftus of Meher Baba’s visit to Brookgreen Gardens. We hear highlights of the afternoon, including the joyful crowd moving through the gardens as Baba notes sculptural pieces; Baba stopping under a tree to describe a memory of Buddha’s enlightenment; and Tex Hightower giving Baba sandals he made. Later, the recording switches to a press conference at the Delmonico Hotel in New York. Baba covers topics including His silence, the Avatar, and God’s presence in everyone. At the end of the recording, Baba leaves the room and Adi K. Irani continues to answer questions.

Audio, 49:13
Brookgreen Gardens, Myrtle Beach, S.C. 1956
Delmonico Hotel, New York, N.Y. 1956
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives

“Being cheerful is an act of trust”

In this talk at the Shrine club in Myrtle Beach to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of her meeting Meher Baba, Wendy Haynes Connor recalls the profound moment of that first meeting as a six-year-old girl, then her time with Him at the birthday party at Meher Center and finally at the East-West Gathering in 1962. This warm storytelling is rich with childlike wonder and memorable details, while also sharing her family’s journey to finding the Ancient One, together.

Video, 1:07:02
Myrtle Beach, Shrine Club May 22, 2008
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives

“God talking to Himself”

This program begins with a translation of a ghazal that Meher Baba wrote in Persian; Farhad Shafa reads the original, and Dot Pierpont follows with an English translation. Then, Dot speaks about a trip to Iran and her experiences with the Baba community there. Kitty Davy shares brief stories about her time with Baba, and about the experience of Katie Irani, one of Baba’s Mandali, in Japan. The program ends with another reading of Baba’s poem, and a heartfelt rendition of a song by Rumi.

Audio, 49:49
Meher Center, June 1, 1970
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives