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Videos are posted in the order they were sent out in the Weekly Offerings & Monthly Newsletters, with the most recent collection first.

“We can feel Him through our love alone”
In this inspiring audio recording, Adi K. Irani, Meher Baba’s close disciple and secretary who traveled with Him to the West, talks about how to seek Baba’s love within our hearts and in our everyday lives.
Audio, 38:31
Meher Center, The Barn, March 14, 1970
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives
“The Outer Journey is symbolic of the Inner Journey”
After much longing, Darwin Shaw first met Meher Baba on Baba’s second trip to the United States in 1932. Darwin was an instrumental part in the early formation of the Meher Center under Baba’s instruction. Here, in his truly reflective way, he talks about his first meeting with Baba, being called to attend the ‘Three Incredible Weeks,’ and his inner experiences of surrender while being with the Master.
Video, 1:03:27
Meher Center Meeting Place, March 04, 1983
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives
“You Are My Neighbor”

Laura Delavigne was Meher Baba’s “neighbor,” living near the Center since 1953 and spending a great deal of time with Kitty, Elizabeth, and Baba’s other Western lovers. In this audio recording, she shares about her search for God, including her deep connection with Sufism and Inayat Khan, and her eventual meeting with Meher Baba in 1952 when she said she knew she had “reached the goal” of her life.

Audio, 1:04:17
Meher Center, December 1978
From the Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. Archives

Memoirs of the Frivolous Three

In this classic Meher Center video, three early disciples of Meher Baba are seen together for the first time since 1958. Delia DeLeon, Margaret Craske and Kitty Davy exemplify Love, Purity and Selfless Service. Frivolous, funny, witty and extremely entertaining, their descriptions of their spiritual lives will make any seeker smile.

Video, 1:11:00
Meher Center Meeting Place, September 10, 1988
Courtesy of Sheriar Foundation, used with permission.

“I am the Universal Thief—I steal the hearts of all”

This raw and unedited audio recording is of time Meher Baba spent with His lovers at the Center in 1958, in the Barn and at the Guest House compound. At times Baba’s Mandali can be heard interpreting His gestures, and at others, there’s only the indefinable chatter of His lovers. Even amidst the noise, perhaps some will find in this recording the treasure of His presence.