Tag Archives: Mandali

  1. Love on Tour: 1970

    Love on Tour: 1970

    On February 11th, 1970, Adi K. Irani and Meherjee Karkaria, two of Meher Baba’s Indian men mandali, departed Bombay for a tour of the West, with visits planned in Zurich, London, and ten cities across the United States. Adi met Baba in 1921 at the age of eighteen and became one of His first mandali…

  2. Countess Nadine Tolstoy (1883-1946)  Disciple of Meher Baba*

    Countess Nadine Tolstoy (1883-1946) Disciple of Meher Baba*

    In the spring of 1941, Meher Baba held a meeting with three of His key Western disciples, Countess Nadine Tolstoy, Elizabeth Patterson, and Princess Norina Matchabelli who had been living with Him in India for nearly six years. He asked them to return to the United States and collaborate to spread His message of love…

  3. How Eruch Came to Baba

    How Eruch Came to Baba

    The story of Meher Baba’s arrival in Meherabad is legendary. It is bursting at the seams with the impending scope of the Avatar’s ministry—a pivot point for many seeds that the Master would sow and links that He would create. One such connection was His link with the Satha and Jessawala families. In Ahmednagar, there…

  4. In Readiness for Baba

    In Readiness for Baba

    If you were on the Center in the 1960s or 70s, you might have seen a brown station wagon slip through the trees and stop at a nearby cabin. A small, white haired and slightly bent woman would have gotten out and painstakingly, step by step, made her way inside. This was Elizabeth Chapin Patterson,…

  5. The Shifting of Consciousness

    The Shifting of Consciousness

    Kitty Davy simply saw her life divided into three parts: the time before she met Baba, the time after she met Baba and lived with Him in India, and the time she lived apart from Baba in America. When Kitty began writing her talks to be given at Meher Center and other places, her initial…

  6. Lovely in Pink

    Lovely in Pink

    In December 1924, after a period of seclusion at Meherabad, thirty-year-old Meher Baba, along with several companions, moved to Bombay for two months. Among those who had the good fortune to accompany Baba were seventeen-year-old Mehera Irani and her mother, Daulatmai. The morning of departure was chilly, and Baba told everyone to be sure to…

  7. Remembering Eruch

    Remembering Eruch

    At the Center, October brings with it a nip in the air—turning leaves adorn cabin rooftops and paths are showered with more gifts from nature to make the forest floor lusher yet. In India, October brings a month-long return of summer, a welcome respite after torrential months of monsoons. October also brings the remembrance of…

  8. What Each Child Needs

    What Each Child Needs

    Meherwan Jessawala’s first memory of meeting Meher Baba was in 1937, when he was a shy seven-year-old. He had heard that Baba was Krishna (his favorite Avataric advent) come again, and had made a small string of flowers to garland Him at the darshan program his family was hosting. But when he saw Baba sitting…

  9. Champagne, Curry and Chicken

    Champagne, Curry and Chicken

    On April 18, 1952, Meher Baba and the women boarded a TWA (Trans World Atlantic) flight from Bombay heading for New York. After several postponements, the time had finally arrived for Baba to travel to His ‘home in the West’ and for the first and only time, the women Mandali accompanied Him to the Center….

  10. Padri’s Immortal Master

    Padri’s Immortal Master

    On January 30, 1969, Meher Baba called Padri from Meherabad to Meherazad for seven days. As he was leaving Meherabad, Mohammed, the God-intoxicated Mast, said, “Padri will come back tomorrow.” When he was told that Padri was to stay with Baba for a week, Mohammed clarified, “Tomorrow, Dada [Baba] is coming here and is going…