Click here for the Registration Form for Youth Sahavas 2024
Dear Friends,
We are very happy to announce that Meher Center is planning to host a Youth Sahavas this summer. From July 23 to July 28, the Center will be entirely reserved for teens and the Sahavas staff working with them. During the Sahavas, participants will stay in Center cabins with experienced counselors, enjoy vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals and snacks, fill their days with art and music, fun and games, beach time and nap time, meaningful discussions, performances, dances and plays—and by His grace, will all be infused with His love.
Youth Sahavas 2024 will begin at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, July 23, and end with departure at 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 28.
Who Can Attend?
Youth Sahavas 2024 is designated for young people who have finished 8th grade to those who have just completed their senior year of high school.
Sahavas Understandings
We must emphasize that participants in Youth Sahavas 2024 are expected to abide by all Center guidelines and directives, and to cooperate fully with the staff during the entire Sahavas program. By Meher Baba’s directive, no alcohol or illegal drugs may be brought to the Center. We want you to be aware of Meher Baba’s clear statement that all mind-altering drugs are physically and spiritually harmful to those who take them.
It is also important for participants and parents to be clear about the focus of Youth Sahavas—it is a focus on Meher Baba, on companionship in His love, and on the experience of His presence at Meher Center. Please be sure you understand the purpose of the Sahavas before signing the participation agreement on the registration form.
Parents can expect further contact regarding specific health needs. We take every care to ensure a safe event and will utilize local health care should the need arise. Parents are always contacted immediately when extra care or need arises that requires professional medical attention.
Many details of Youth Sahavas 2024 are still being determined, and we encourage you to get in touch with suggestions or questions. Send your thoughts as soon as possible, either before or with your registration form (space is provided at the bottom of the form).
We look forward to seeing you all!
Much Love in Beloved Meher Baba,
The Youth Sahavas Committee:
Buz and Wendy Connor, Linda Hansen, Molly Irani, Annie Fahy Lawn, Allison Lawton, Rustom Meyer, Michelle McKeever, Christina Parsons, Daniel Peach, Barbara Plews, Kipper Schauer, Elly Drygas Szymanski, & Roz Taubman