The Artist in Residence program is designed to offer a single artist or more an extended period of time (five to seven days) to present their work in a way that focuses on Meher Baba’s life and message. This program is scheduled twice a year, in Fall and Spring.
As a highway to self-forgetfulness and expression of love for God, the creative arts were always an important focus in Meher Baba’s life. This is clearly illustrated by the Trust Deed written by Baba Himself, in which He refers to the arts eight different times. Following Baba’s example, the Center has always been committed to ensuring that the arts play a major role in the Center’s ongoing programming.
A relatively new platform at the Center, the Artist in Residence program has been received with great enthusiasm and appreciation. It is unique in that it offers a rare opportunity to fully immerse one’s heart and mind in the creative, artistic expression of the visiting artist. Thus far, the Center has been thrilled to welcome musicians, storytellers, poets, dancers, playwrights, authors and visual artists. While the art forms are varied, the core of each artist’s work reflects the inspiration of Meher Baba’s love. And all the creative endeavors of the artists reflect their single pointed dedication and wish to please their Beloved.
See this event in our Annual Calendar