Meher Baba’s Life and Message Program: Mission & Philosophy

The mission of this program is to make available a variety of ways of presenting and sharing Meher Baba’s life and message with all who are interested.
As stated in the charter approved by Meher Baba in 1959, the purpose of Meher Spiritual Center, Inc. is:
To found within the United States of America a non-sectarian and non-profit religious organization, devoted and dedicated to the name and spiritual purposes of Meher Baba, and to the dissemination of his teachings, without supplanting professed religious convictions or beliefs, but for the enhancement and strengthening of the spiritual life.
Given this directive, it is the responsibility of the Center to be a vibrant source of information about Meher Baba’s life and message, as a service to those who come in contact with Him. This includes those who are guests at Meher Spiritual Center and those who are served by the broader outreach of the Center. It is clear that Meher Baba’s extraordinary life and message continue to touch the hearts of countless seekers, His teachings offering them a wealth of wisdom, inspiration, and spiritual knowledge.
It is the Center’s position that each person is free to interpret Meher Baba’s life and message in his or her own way. As such, the Center refrains from asserting itself as the final authority on Meher Baba’s teachings. In other words, the Center seeks to avoid presenting itself or anyone as the definitive ‘teacher.’ However, it remains the obligation of Meher Spiritual Center to serve as a reliable and balanced source.
It has been over a decade since the era of Baba’s mandali came to a close. And as time passes, there are fewer and fewer people who met Baba and share about Him. Looking towards the future, it has become increasingly important for the Center to expand programming to include additional ways of presenting Meher Baba’s life and message. As always, all Center programs strive to embrace the spirit and purpose of His Home in the West.