The Spring-Cleaning Sahavas is a time when friends and family of Meher Center, people of all ages, gather in service to Meher Baba and His home in the West. The focus of this sahavas is for people to join together to clean buildings and clear trails on the retreat in preparation for the coming year. Our intention is to work together in the spirit of sahavas, which Meher Baba describes as the “give and take of love between the Beloved and His lovers.”
As Meher Baba’s Home in the West, Meher Center is a place where people can come and feel Meher Baba’s love, and learn about His life and message, in both retreat and communal settings. This sahavas is designed to be a communal event that encourages service, a direct inner connection to Meher Baba, and an increased sense of stewardship for the Center.
See this event in our Annual Calendar