Meher Baba described the Center as His “home in the West”. When He was here in the 1950s, He said, “I never leave. Remember, I do not leave because this is my home.” In those early days, Baba gave several Directives for guests to follow while staying at the Center. Over the years, additional guidelines have been developed to help ensure the safety and comfort of all Center guests, and to provide the opportunity for each one to experience Meher Baba’s presence.

Meher Baba’s Directives

  1. There is to be no drug activity or involvement with drugs (including marijuana) at Meher Center. Meher Baba has said, “Drugs are harmful physically, mentally, and spiritually.”
  2. No alcohol (including beer) is to be brought into or taken at the Center.
  3. No one is to go to swim alone in the ocean. Do not walk or drive down to the beach after dark.
  4. Always use a flashlight at night. Stay on the paths. Wear covered shoes outside at all times.
  5. Fishing or swimming in the lake is prohibited.
  6. Divining cards, the Ouija Board and I Ching are not to be used at the Center.
  7. Please remember that Meher Baba does not wish us to indulge in conversations regarding backbiting, politics, or drugs.

Additional Directives And Procedures

Arrival and Departure

Registration and Payment – Each guest must sign in at the Gateway upon arrival. You may occupy your cabin by 2 p.m. You may pay for your retreat at the Gateway between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. any day during your stay.

Hours – Retreat guests must be inside the Center gate by 11 p.m. each night and inside their cabins by 11:30 p.m.

Departure – Vacate your cabin by 11 a.m. You may remain on Center until 5 p.m. If you are staying on Center after checkout time of 11 a.m., notify the Gateway and find out where to store your belongings. In respect for Meher Baba’s home, leave your cabin clean and tidy. Place bed sheets in pillow case. Turn off heat, fans, and lights.

During Your Stay

Roads and Parking – Drive very slowly throughout the Center at all times to preserve the retreat atmosphere, the wildlife and the roads. All vehicles must be parked in the Orchard, Cove or Sheriar lots. Guests may drive to their cabins or kitchens and park briefly when loading or unloading. Those with disabled plates, or a pass from the Gateway, may use any space marked for disabled parking. No parking is allowed on the Briarcliffe roads.

Privacy – Respect the privacy of individual quarters. No visiting or taking meals in others’ cabins (including porches), except by administrative permission.

Meals and Food – To help maintain cleanliness, be extremely careful with regard to food storage, preparation and cleanup. Store foods in the appropriate kitchen areas, using proper containers; dispose of garbage only in kitchen cans with lids; wash food preparation areas, dishes and utensils carefully, both for sanitation and control of bugs and pests. Do not take food or beverages into the Meeting Place, Library, Lagoon Cabin, Barn, or Meher Abode, and food should not be kept or eaten in cabins without kitchens.

Children and Teens – For safety reasons, children under 9 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. For children 9 through 14, there should be a responsible adult aware of their activities and whereabouts at all times. Children are welcome to attend programs as long as they can remain quiet and not distract others. If children do not attend programs, parents must be responsible for their whereabouts and behavior. Should you decide to schedule a babysitter during your retreat, inform the Gateway about your arrangements. Young people 15 and over are expected to know and obey the Center directives.

Special Buildings – By Meher Baba’s wish, the Barn, the Lagoon Cabin, and Meher Abode are kept as they were during his last stay at the Center. They are for prayer, meditation and general quietude. Do not converse, smoke or sleep in these places.

Attire – Dress in keeping with the retreat atmosphere: for example, no bathing suits should be worn in public buildings.

Quiet – Respect the needs of other retreat guests for a quiet and restful atmosphere, especially in and near the Lagoon Cabin, Barn and Meher Abode.

Cell Phones and Electronics – Keep your cell phone’s ringtone silenced and, if using, stay out of hearing range of fellow guests. Other use of cellphones, laptops or tablets are permitted in guests’ private space, away from communal areas. Texting, scrolling, and recording are not permitted during Meher Center programs.

Conservation – Help us keep the costs of maintaining the Center down by minimizing your use of water, electricity and gas.

Photography, Video/Audio Recordings – Taking photos, or video/audio recordings, are not allowed during Center programs or inside Meher Abode. Do not include others in your photos, videos, or sound recordings unless they have first given you their permission.

Business and Professional Services – While at the Meher Center retreat, guests are not permitted to conduct sales and marketing or professional and healing services, or conduct remote work in public spaces, except by administrative permission. Guests also should not be staying on Center while working or attending conferences in town.

Practices and Group Activities – The Center does not provide any type of structured spiritual practices. If your personal practice involves movement or sound, please practice away from others, and never in Meher Abode, the Lagoon Cabin, or the Barn. No group activities are allowed at Meher Center without administrative permission.

For Your Safety and Comfort

Reporting Problems – Immediately report any emergency, illness or special need to the Gateway (843-272-5777 or 843-272-1118). Also, report anything not in working order.

First Aid – Supplies are in the Refectory and Lakeview Kitchens, the Caretakers’ Cabin, and at the Gateway. Family Cabins have First Aid kits.

Smoking and Fire – Fire is a serious danger to the Center. Do not use candles, incense or fireworks, or start any outdoor fires. Report immediately any sign of fire or smoke to the Gateway.  Smoking indoors or outdoors is strictly prohibited except in areas where clay pots are provided. Never walk anywhere with a lit cigarette.

Firearms – No firearms are permitted on Meher Center property.

The Beach – Be aware that dangerous undertows and strong currents in the ocean are possible. Do not use floats or rafts. The beach is public property, not supervised by lifeguards. Swimming alone is prohibited, and walking on the beach alone is not recommended. If you go to the beach, the key used at the entrance gate also unlocks the beach gate. Be sure to relock the gate coming or going. No one is to be at the beach after dark. There is a radio at the beach gate for use in case of emergency.

Boating – Call the Gateway (843-272-5777) for permission to use the rowboat during daylight hours. Up to 3 people are allowed at one time; all must know how to swim. Children under 15 must be accompanied by someone 18 and over. Life jackets for each must be in the boat.

Trails and Paths – Use caution and be alert when walking on the Center: always wear covered shoes (including to the beach), stay on the paths, watch for snakes, do not smoke. It is strongly recommended that guests do not go alone on the more isolated trails. These trails are patrolled infrequently. If you do go alone, bring a mobile phone with you to use in case of emergency. Children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult, and no one should use these trails after dark.

Bikes – Ride slowly and cautiously, especially in the cabin areas. If on the trails, all trail guidelines should be followed. No children under 15 should ride on the trails without an adult.

Pets and Wildlife – No pets are to be on the Center. Do not feed or approach any wildlife. The Center is habitat for alligators, snakes and coyotes. Be alert and keep close watch on children! Report to staff or Gateway any problem wildlife in cabin areas. Due to raccoons, do not leave food on porches overnight.