Each year the Meher Spiritual Center welcomes thousands of visitors who have an interest in learning more about the life and message of Avatar Meher Baba and experiencing the unique atmosphere here. The Center is open year-round, for day visits, and for retreats of up to two weeks.
Meher Spiritual Center was established by Meher Baba as a spiritual retreat, for rest, meditation and renewal of the spiritual life. The Center’s charter states that it is a “religious organization devoted and dedicated to the name and spiritual purposes of Meher Baba, and to the dissemination of his teachings, without supplanting professed religious convictions or beliefs, but for the enhancement and strengthening of the spiritual life.”
Meher Baba stayed here on three occasions in the 1950’s, and when asked who the Center is for, he replied, “for those who love and follow me, and those who know of me and want to know more.” He referred to it as his “Home in the West” and declared, “I never leave. Remember, I do not leave because this is my home.” Elizabeth Patterson, one of the Center’s founders affirmed: “The Center was a beautiful place of nature before Baba came, but after he came there was a ‘plus’ quality…We feel he is always here, not in a supernatural way, but in a perfectly natural way.”